Please note that we have intentionally limited the photos we post of members and or other identifying information.  Some of our members are camera shy, others are said to break the camera when their photo is taken.  Many others worked nights for so long they became vampires and can't be seen in the daylight or through mirror reflections.  

                   Blessing of the Bikes 2021

2020 was the year of Covid and stopping all of us from being within 6 ' of each other unless you were wearing a mask, doused in antiseptic and wearing a biohazard suit.

Fortunately, 2021 has loosend up and Maranatha Church once again put on the Blessing of the Bikes.  It was over 90 degrees F on the pavement for the 850+ brave souls.  Rumors of Harleys being easy to start due to the warmth were confimred.  No complaints about them being cold blooded today.  We are reporting some BMW owners were heard to say, I don't know why everyone is complaing. My matching helmet and full suit is equipped with climate control incluiding central air conditioning. We are only reporting this, we aren't confirming it is accurate, take a joke people!

  Remberance for Marj Masley, March 22, 2021

Today, the Blue Knights and their spouses / significant others were honored to be a visible presence honoring our friend Marj.  Many Honor Guards only have members of a unit, but as you will see in the photos, the spouses stood the watch with the members.  Marj instilled that kind of compassion and the world is a darker place with her passing.  

Just to make things interesting you will see a pair of cowboy boots with spurs on them.  Knowing Marj, I'm sure she took joy in the antics of Mr. "No Offense".

  Funeral for Roger Gleason, February 5, 2021

As is tradition, the Blue Knight members were present as an honor guard for Roger and his family / friends.  The Blue Knights joined the Washington County Sheriff's Office Honor Guard and the church.  The military provided the honor Guard at Ft. Snelling.


Photos provided by Paparazzi Photographer Val and that 'other guy'

Funeral for Founding Member Dale Clauson January 22, 2021

The Blue Knights members were present as an honor guard for Dale and his family and friends.  Unfortunately, due to the current Covid Mask Mandate you can't see the somber faces, but trust me they are present under the masks.  


Our photos were provided by Paparazzi Photographer Val.

Funeral for Fire Fighter Cpt. Anthony Rollins July 2019

                     2019 Poker Run

                Spring MWRC Missouri 2019

                  2019 Blessing of the Bikes

                  Fall MWRC, Missouri 2018

                    August 2018 Picnic

     August 2018 Nowthen Threshing Show

               July 7, 2018 Monthly Ride

             Spring MWRC, Bismarck, ND

 2018 Blessing of the Bikes, Maranatha Church

                 Fall MWRC, Topeka, KS


          Nowthen Threshing Show - 2017

         The Secret Sancatury - 2017

2017 International Conference, Milwaukee, WI

July 2017 MN / WI Ride Just Because I Forget!

Our Starting Point, The Machine Shed, Lake Elmo, MN.
Stop 2 The Creamery for all your cheese, snacks, goodies and wine desires.
Lunch at Smokin Oak in Red Wing. You can watch the food on the rotisserie as you walk in!
Stop 4. Yes they sell wine, but no drinking until you have parked the bike!
Last Stop, Selma's Ice Cream Parlour in Afton, MN. This is the real stuff. "Best Ice Cream in the Country" MWRC - Ted E. Bear

      Spring MWRC St. Joseph, MO - 2017

             Blessing of the Bikes - 2017

The Blessing of the Bikes Event took place on June 4, 2017. Our own Pastor Mike is the public face of the event.  He credited all the success to the volunteer workers who made it happen.  

                   The Poker Ride - 2016

The new computer arrived.  Wow it can do all kinds of stuff, like actually open documents, paste photos and print files.  Holy Cow Batman!


The Poker Ride was led by Larry K, and went over hill and dale, enjoying some very beautiful changing of colors between MN and WI.  Lunch was at a WI restaurant known for their chicken and oversize helpings.  It was GREAT! Mother Nature caught up with us on the way back, but that doesn't mean we skipped out on stopping at DQ.  The winner of the poker run was a guest who is shown below with the truck and dogs.  I'm wondering if the dogs gave him some inside knowledge.

The starting point for the poker run. Where were you Summer?
A guest rider making new friends. Not everyone you meet rides motorcycle. Some cruise with their owners in a 4X4!

      MWRC Fall Conference,  Omaha, NE 2016

Enroute to Omaha via Coon Rapids, Iowa
It's just gonna be a light rain!
A must see destination!

Blessing of the Bikes - 2016 

   - Photos by Linda V. and Others

Pastor Mike just before the Blessing of the Bikes. Yes he did ride it into the church and stopped at the pulpit. Like all Harleys it tried to mark it's spot, but a rag was in place to prevent it.

       Maranatha Peace Officer Service -2016

Pastor Mike retelling the story of his earlier mass in the day & his fau paux when seated while wearing a kilt. The photo doesn't show how really red his face was when retelling the story!

          Dr. Mudspringers Open House - 2015

Our display at the Annual Open House! Check out the board, all lines are square and it's very Feng Shui. The creator does the same thing with his motorcycle. Everything is just so!

Donations - Thanks to our successful Spring 2015 conference we can help those in need. Thank you to everyone who joined us!

Blue Knights Chapter MN-IV lost Retired Centennial Lakes Police Sgt. Todd Gleason to a heart attack in 2015.  Todd was one of the driving forces for charitable fund raising and our Spring 2015 conference. Through donations received from the Gleason family and the Maranatha Assembly of God Church we were proud to donate $1,825 for the purchase of an AED to his former employer, Centennial Lakes Police Department.


Todd’s wife Linda Gleason and their Daughter Jennifer, along with Blue Knights President Dave S. presented the check to Centennial Lakes Police Chief J. Coan.  

MN IV donated $1,000.00 to the House of Shields of Rochester, MN.  Officer Don Bray bashfully admits that he is one of the driving forces behind the charity, but acknowledges it takes many people to pull it together.  Don is also known to ride a motorcycle on occcassion!

          Fall MWRC Des Moines, IA - 2015

Patriot's Day, Iowa Peace Officer Memorial Dedication Information
"You were absolutely right!" - The Pretty Lady

              The Secret Sanctuary - 2015

In addition to filling the garage with bikes, several more were parked in the shade, while a great meal was enjoyed. The temperature was warm, but the ice cold beverages helped mitigate the heat. The Chef and Hostess with the Mostess out did themselves!