The America Red Cross is always looking for blood donors.
MN Health Fairview is always looking for donors who are able to donate body parts to help those at risk. Many individuals have already made the decision to donate their organs and the time of their passing. If you are able to donate a kidney or other organ without putting your own health at risk, consider signing up. There are many people in need.
Like so many different social groups, we have dedicated our work lives to helping those in need of time of peril. We are proud of what our agencies have done and continue to do.
Here we are volunteering our time and energies to help those around us. Granted it is usually related to motorcycles in some way. Often times the hard reality of it is fund raising of money.
Because of this we have done fund raising with various succcess. One of our main fund raisers is the Nowthen Threshing Show. We staff a gate for all 3 days of the event controlling access for vendors. It's not hard work, but it has to be done. We have been very fortunate to reieceive a donation from the organization for our work each year. Seems the fact that a bunch of active and retired cops are just the people to say No, you can't enter here because this is the gate only for farm machinery. Your SUV with heated seats isn't a normal working farm vehicle so please turn around and go to the correct gate. Granted it's said with a smile and most people understand.
We have also put on events for the Blue Knights Midwest Regional Conference. These are full blown conferences where any Blue Knight from anywhere in the world can register and attend. On average these conferences have attendance of 125 members. The members pay a fee for some meals, events, and a banquet. The members pay separate fees for lodging, fuel and any trinkets from the area they want or desire. Some members go to winerys and send bottles to their home so they can later be gifted. As we know glass bottles in motorcyles are an iffy proposition when returning home on the smooth and occassionally bumpy roads, not to mention Gravels Don's favorite road type!
The point of this rambling is that we are now working to putting on a Fall 2025 Conference. It is being held in Minnesota and is in the Midwest Regional Conference which includes the following states: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota. Further we have Manitoba as part of the conference. That's right Canadians are encouraged to hang out with the 'Americans'!
We have started to solicit various businesses, to see if anyone has items they would be will to donate as door prizes, or gifts. During our conference we hold raffles, 50/50 drawings, and other events in order to raise some funds.
If you and/or your organization would be interested in helping support our fund raising by a donation we would be honored to accept it. All businessess and individuals that are willing to be publically named will be listed in the Charity tab.
For more informaiton please send us an e-mail with any questions or concerns. Our e-mail link can be found by going here Blue Knights MN IV If your computer is blocked, our e-mail is also shown on every page of our website. It is
ALL THE FUNDS WE EARN ARE DONATED BACK IN VARIOUS WAYS. Below are some of our historical donations.
2015 - We started this policy. Every Minnesota Peace Officer who dies in the line of duty. The Officers surviving family will receive $500.00 as long as our funds allow. To date we have given $8,000.00.$1,000.00 to the Minnesota Association of InjuredPeace Officers, (MAIPO).$1,000.00 to the Rochester Police Benevolent Fund that runs The House of Shields; a lodging site for officers being treated at the Mayo Clinic.2017$500.00 to the MN Veteran’s Homes.$500.00 to the American Lung Association.2018$500.00 to the Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association, (MNLEMA)$500.00 to MN Concerns Of Police Survivors, (MNCOPS)$500.00 to Minnesota Association of Injured Peace Officers, (MAIPO)$500.00 Minnesota Special Olympics.2019$850.00 Minnesota Law Enforcement Memorial Association, (MN LEMA)$600.00 Minnesota Associaiton of Injured Peace Officer, (MAIPO)$600.00 Minnesota Concerns of Police Survivors, (MNCOPS)$600.00 Rochester Police Benevolent Fund.2020$500.00 Pine Co. Deputies family,$500.00 Waseca Police Officer injured for recovery$1,500.00 for National Guardsman’s families who were killed in Helicopter crash.2021$750.00 Minnesota Concerns of Police Survivors, (MNCOPS)$200.00 Suburban Law Enforcement Association, (SLEA) They help in funding for School Patrols across the state. The patrols get an all expense trip paid to the Mall of America amusement park as a thanks for their hard work.2022$500.00 White Bear Lake V.F.W.$1,000.00 Minnesota Concerns of Police Survivors, (MNCOPS)$1,000.00 Disabled American Vets.2023$500 End of Watch Project.2024 -$250.00 Suburban Law Enforcement Association, (SLEA), School Patrol program.$500.00 Burnsville Police Officer Adam Finseth family$500.00 Burnsville Police Officer Matthew Ruge family$500.00 Burnsville Firefighter / SWAT Paramedic Paul Elmstrand family$500.00 Minneapolis Police OfficerJamal Mitchell familly$500.00 US Department of the Interior, MN Park Ranger Kevin Grossheim family$500.00 Red Lake Police Officer Jesse Branch family